Raw Ingredients are
stored in a cold
room imported from
Europe capable
of maintaining
temperatures as 20° C
The raw ingredients are
sent though a hot
oil boiler and automated
cooker to be processed
into cooked products
The cooked products
are then introduced into
a conveyor (or spiral)
flash freezer imported
from United States for
quick freezing
The frozen cooked
products are then
packed by automated
packaging machines
sourced from Japan
The finished packages are
individually subject to a
metal detector check via a
metal detector system
imported from Japan
The finished and
packaged products are
sent to the cold room
and stored at the
temperature of -20° C
C.I. Food uses European standard and European sourced cold room facilities which enables the storage of raw materials and food products at -20° C thus maintaining product freshness and quality.
Furthermore, such low temperatures also inhibit any kind bacterial growth and contamination. The entire production process is machine automated thereby eliminating the risk of cross contamination by human handling. 
C.I. Food ensures that every one of our products undergo stringent checks and testing in respect of raw ingredient sourcing, production and storage to that international standards of hygiene and quality control are met. By so doing we ensure that we only provide products to the public which are safe, hygienic and healthy. This is our commitment to food with conscience.
The entire production process from cooking to packaging is undertaking through modern machine automated means. Finished packages are further subject to advanced Japan sourced metal detection scans as part of out strict quality control process. All finished products are immediately stored in our purpose built cold rooms at -20° C.

Contact Us
  +607-388 1940
C.I. Foods Branch
  No.7, Jalan Sri Plentong 5,
Taman Perindustrian Sri Plentong,
81750 Sri Plentong, Masai,
Johor, Malaysia.
  View Map »
© 2023 C.I. Food Sdn Bhd | 喜爱食品有限公司 198901010411(187713-T)